Ferrous, first of all I'm a male..
Big deal. I am not impressed. You probably own a loofah.
Now Saunterelle parrots this very notion by saying that the we must discard our principals of a Democratic form of Republic and the Sovereignty of this nation, and now be forced to follow the rule of an elite body “Know it alls” because they “know” what is best for us all..
I agree with what ferrous said. Obama thinks he knows what is best for us. Well, he is wrong. You know why, because no one knows what is best for anyone else, it is hype for the weak minded indvidual who is not responsible for, nor competent enough to handle, their own decisions in life.
The nanny state, which we have been in since the sixties ended, is responsible for the current state of families in this nation. Now, what do people get to leave their kids? Pretty much nothing without the Democrats taxes kicking in and raking in half for the government. But, you blame the Republicans.
The nanny state, or progressives as they are really known, are responsible for the current out of control illegal immigration we suffer. They are the ones who attached the rider to the civil rights bill that altered our immigration laws to become what they are today. A progressives idea of progress is to tell all the citizens that they will be included in the future of America, and that their labor shall reap them untold rewards. Go to school and forget about working in the fields, we have a solution. That solution has permanently altered our political and social landscape beyond repair, and brought racism back in full force, congratulations liberals, take a bow.
It's funny because we see the same issues but place blame on opposite sides of the isle.
Yes, and eight years ago your party had a chance to set the record straight and prove once and for all that you were really for justice, truth and the people. Bill Clinton should have been removed from office for perjury and sexual misconduct unbecoming his position, by getting oral sex in the peoples house. Instead, you circled the wagons, refusing to use sex to bring down your annointed President, yet yours is the first party to use sex to destroy candidates like Gary Hart. A major reason I left your morally bankrupt party.
To me, and to the majority of Americans, it is the Bush Administration who has taken away our freedoms with the Patriot Act "because they know what is best for us."
Yeah, like the Democrats don't. They voted for the Patriot act, or it would never have become law. You blame Bush, but it was passed by congress.
They go against the will of the American people by continuing a bogus war in Iraq that is plunging our economy into recession.
Let me remind you of the number of Democrats that voted for Operation Iraqi Freedom: Senate 77 aye, 23 nay - House 296 aye, 133 nay (Senate 49 D, 49 R - House 208 D, 222 R). Now, why are they competent but Bush is not? Why is Bush to blame, but they are not? I will tell you why:
Raaahh... because my party says so.
They spend like drunken sailors.
Congress owns the purse strings, and hey, they are a Democrat majority. The trouble is, they won't spend it where it is really needed. And, just like every good democrat, with the exception of Zell Miller perhaps, they know how to better spend my money then I do. Talk about sanctimonious. Theives should be shot on sight.
They have ruined the image of the U.S. in the eyes of the world.
Like I care what Europe thinks about us. We left, remember?
There is rampant corruption within the administration (Valarie Plame case and the firing of U.S. judges), incompetent appointed leaders due to cronyism (ex-head of FEMA), zero transparency, bigger government, and a blurring of the lines between church and state. And you're trying to say that democrats are overruling the will of the people!? Please! This is NOT what our founding fathers had in mind when they founded our great nation.
Valarie Plame, a non-issue.
Judges fired? I don't think so, you are wrong on that one. Or just a liar. I do recall eight lawyers being fired, but Clinton fired all of them and it was no issue.
The height of incompetence was the Carter Administration. And the Clinton administration was the most corrupt.
Please, democrats think they know how I should live my life. They are the tax and spend party. Take more it comes from their checks not ours, let's party. They are the "I can give myself a raise anytime party."
Obama is all about transparency in government, something we desperately need. He is also trying to fix our broken health care system and end this crazy war. When he is President it will be a much brighter day.
Obama is not about transparency, if he were then why is the truth about how he got elected in Chicago only known in Chicago and to those who read their local news and opinions.
Tell me, how is the health care system broken? I get all the care I need. If it were broken then I would be waiting in huge lines for months, kind of like Canada.
Crazy war? All wars are crazy. Including Kosovo, Somalia and Hati.
Yeah, you don't have any answers. You know about as much as anyone, and you are just as clueless. You are unable to do for yourself, or the others you care about, so you think the government should do it for you. Just like Cartman said, we need people like you to remind us flag waivers that it is about peace. But, you need us because you don't have what it takes to defend us against the real threats out there. Sure, you yell and scream louder then we do at protests, because that is what whiners do. But, when it comes right down to it, you don't have the back bone it takes to defend this nation when it needs it. And that is the truth.